Agencia de Comunicación
Agencia de Comunicación

Privacy Policy

Camino Group – Agencia de Comunicación
Paseo Vara de Rey 4/113
07800 Ibiza, Spain

NIF: ESX5236849W
Tel.: 0034 620 715 044

Privacy Policy

The Camino Group Network will not sell, distribute, barter or transfer any of your personally identifiable
information to companies, organizations or other parties outside of The Camino Group Network and its
subsidiaries without your permission. This privacy policy reflects our commitment to take reasonable
steps to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the personal information you entrust to us. This policy
will continuously be assessed and updated. We reserve the right to alter our privacy policies and will
post any alterations to these principles on our website in a timely manner. Our privacy policy covers The
Camino Group Network’s treatment of your personally identifying information when you visit the
website or when you use any of The Camino Group Network’s products and services. Personally
identifying information is any information which can, by its nature, identify who you are. Examples of
this type of information are your name, address, phone number and email address. The Camino Group
Network collects some personal information from website members and from subscribers to its
products. In addition to name, postal and email address, telephone number and credit card information,
we may collect demographics, opinions and additional data of business partners, clients, subscribers and
potential subscribers to our magazines, newsletters, websites and products.

The opinions expressed within are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect The Camino Group
Network’s policy. The Camino Group considers its sources reliable and verifies as much data as possible.
However, reporting inaccuracies can occur, consequently readers using this information do so at their
own risk. While every effort has been made to ensure that information is correct at the time of
publication, The Camino Group Network cannot be held responsible for the outcome of any action or
decision based on the information contained in this publication/website. The publishers or authors do
not give any warranty for the completeness or accuracy for this publication’s content, explanation or
partner links.
Our site contains links to external websites over which we have no control therefore we are not
responsible for these websites. Responsible for the content of linked pages is always the provider or
operator. The linked sites were checked at the time of linking for possible violations of law. At the time
of linking no illegal contents were found. Without concrete evidence of a violation a permanent control
of the linked pages is unreasonable. Upon notification of violation, we will immediately remove such
links. Please get in contact with our webmaster in case you discover links with illegal content on our

No part of The Camino Group Network website and the Camino Group publications as texts, photos and
graphic designs may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in whole or in part without written
permission of the publisher.
Insofar as the content on this site is created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are
respected. In particular, contents of third parties are marked as such. Should you become aware of
copyright infringement, we kindly ask you to get in touch with the webmaster. Upon notification of
violations, we will remove the content immediately.

The Camino Group Network ©. All rights reserved.