Agencia de Comunicación
Agencia de Comunicación

Terms and Conditions

Please read these terms and conditions of use before using this site. This agreement is legally binding
and you agree to be bound whether you simply browse the site or you have registered with the site. If
you do not agree to these terms and conditions of use, please do not use the site or any of the services
provided on the site.
Website & Events Calendar
Promoters and event organisers can submit their parties and festivals for free in the events calendar.
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your right to use this service if you violate the terms and
conditions or violate the spirit of the rules of conduct.

In order to maintain a useful practice of our services we require you to adhere to the following: You
agree that no content submitted by you will violate any right of any third party, including copyright,
trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights, or the misappropriation of a trade secret of
any third party. You agree that no content submitted by you will promote an illegal or unauthorized
copy of another person’s copyrighted work. You agree that no content submitted by you will contain or
promote defamatory or otherwise unlawful, abusive, threatening, or obscene material. You agree that
no content submitted by you will transmit a virus or other harmful component. You agree that no
content submitted by you will impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your identity or
affiliation with any person or entity. You agree that no content submitted by you will be meaningless,
deliberately disruptive, repetitive messages or “spam”. You agree that no content submitted by you will
include a photograph or image of another person that you have posted without that person’s consent.
You agree that no content submitted by you will contain racism, nudity, violence, sexually suggestive or
offensive subject matter or contain a link to an adult website.
Advertising & Promotions
All advertisements are accepted and published entirely on the representation that the Advertising
Agency and/or Advertiser are properly authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter
thereof. You agree that no content submitted by you will violate any right of any third party, including
copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary rights, or the misappropriation of a trade
secret of any third party. You agree that no content submitted by you will promote an illegal or
unauthorized copy of another person’s copyrighted work. You agree that no content submitted by you
will contain or promote defamatory or otherwise unlawful, abusive, threatening, or obscene material.
You agree that no content submitted by you will impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your
identity or affiliation with any person or entity. You agree that no content submitted by you will include
a photograph or image of another person that you have posted without that person’s consent.
It is understood that, in consideration of the publication of advertisements, the Advertiser and/or
Advertising Agency will indemnify and hold The Camino Group Network harmless from and against any
claims or suits for libel, violation of rights of privacy, plagiarism, trademark, patent and copyright
infringements (including the text and photographs within the advertisements), and other claims based
on the contents or subject matter of such publication. The Publisher is not responsible for the accuracy
of any information, corrections or changes made to any Advertiser’s materials.
The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising which the Publisher feels is not keeping with
the publication’s standards, policies and principles. The Publisher reserves the right to add the word
“Advertisement” or “Promotion” or “Advertorial” at the top and/or bottom of, or anywhere within any
publication page, that in the Publisher’s sole judgment, too closely resembles editorial pages of the
The Publisher will not be bound by any conditions, printed or otherwise appearing on any order blank,

insertion order or contract when they conflict with the terms or conditions of the publication’s rate card,
or any amendment thereof.
The Publisher shall not be subject to any liability whatsoever for any failure to publish or circulate all or
any part of the publication issue or issues due to strikes, work stoppages, accidents, fires, acts of God or
any circumstance not within control of the Publisher.
It is understood that the Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency is liable for the payment of invoices for
advertising, banners and promotions published on The Camino Group Network’s website and printed
Advertising, promotions, advertorials, sponsorships, production of graphic designs or production work
done by the Publisher are payable in advance in all cases. Promotions are carried out by arrangement
and only at the consent of the Publisher. For enquiries regarding promotions or advertising call +34 620
715 044.
The Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency may not cancel orders for advertising campaigns after closing
dates. The Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency will be liable for all space reservations and payments as
specified on the insertion order(s). If there is an instance where creative is not available within
deadlines, Publication has the right to run alternative creative at the cost of the Advertiser and/or
Options for advertorials, cover positions and premium positions must be exercised at least 30 days
before the closing date. If order is not received by such date, the cover option automatically lapses.
Cancellations prior to closing must be in writing. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted.
Advertisers billed at special contract rates based on frequency, but who fail to fulfill the contract, will be
billed at the Publisher’s sole discretion for the difference to reflect the rate that is actually earned.
Payments can be made via Paypal, cash or bank transaction. No cheques accepted. Bank transaction
fees have to be covered by the Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency.
If the Publisher must refer Advertiser’s delinquent account to an attorney or collection agency, the
Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys or collection agency’s fees,
court costs, and other collection costs in connection with the Publisher’s collection efforts.
The Advertiser and/or Advertising Agency hereby agrees that The Camino Group Network may store,
process or pass on all data needed to process his order, insofar as this is necessary, and may employ
automatic data processing in this process. The users of this website and the readers of the printed
magazine hereby agree to his/her personal data and business information being processed and used by
the The Camino Group Network for marketing measures. The customer can revoke his / her permission
at any time.